We are currently working through a
Leonard sweet book, and one of the points he makes is that it is easier to give than it is
receive. I know we live in a culture where everyone seems to be on the take, and The Church and Christianity has done a lot over the last few years to show that we want to serve and make a difference, and give to things we think are important. In fact i often do a
workshop on how to serve local schools, as we think this is really important. When you look at it though, you ask yourself when you do give of yourselves, when you do make that effort to put something into a project, do people take what you offer or do they just let you do it.
There is a difference between taking something and
receiving it. Over the years i have had some great Christmas presents. I remember some random family member knitting me some lovely socks, I also remember getting some great Christmas jumpers. Yes i took the presents and yes i said thank you, like the good boy i was brought up to be, but did i fully
receive them? No, I found the quickest way to put them under the stairs and they were never seen again.
When someone offers you something do you take it or do you
receive it? To
receive something we have to accept it and make it ours.
When we connect with Churches and schools we offer a service, we like to support and help in anyway. Some institutions decide to take, they use us without really getting the best out of us. They take what we offer and don't see how it could be best used in their situation. Others, they
receive the offer and grab hold of it with 2 hands, and look to the best way they can use what is on the table, they will talk to us and try and adapt and work with what they have.
When someone offers us something, do we take it and fully accept it.
It is easier to give, why? Because the power is with the giver. If you have something to give and you give to someone who doesn't have that then you are seen to be the provider, the giver, the one who has it. It can become a pride thing. When we give do we give out of pity? or because people are equal to us and deserve what we have, and in which case, do we give as much as we would want them to truly
To truly
receive and accept, means to get rid of pride and say I need what you have, you have something that i need and i am not
ashamed of that.
God wants to give us so much, do we accept that? do we
receive what God has truly offered us, or does pride get in the way of that too. In fact Leonard sweet goes on to say that if we prefer to give then we are putting ourselves in line with God, as he is giver and we were created to
receive from Him. Not saying i agree but thought provoking. Be who you were created to be, and
receive what other people , and God, want to give you. Rich Dawson