Had the most bizarre experience today. While i was trying to order some new toner for my printer, i had a conversation with the sales assistant, as always trying to get me to buy something else. She explained to me about this new printer and that with the cash back option it would cost me less to have a new printer filled with lovely toner, that it would to buy a set of toner for my existing printer, (of which i have only had for 4 months max). How mad is that? That actually you end up spending less getting a newer model. Although this seems like a brilliant idea (and yes i know it is just a con because printer makers know that the money is in cartridges, rather than in the printers themselves), but having reflected on it a while, it shows how easy it is to throw things away, how fickle we are, that as soon as something has run it's course, we move on to the next best thing. Mobile phones, prime example, you don't have to look after your phone because you know you will get an upgrade pretty soon. Nowadays we don't have to work anymore to keep things going, we don't have to try for the long haul because there is always something newer to replace it.
Chatting to 2 of our year outs, one from Canada and one from Germany (bring on the world cup). They both said there are so many older houses here than where they live. Especially in Canada, Kristy said that it is all new towns and cities, and in Germany Lukas says when a house gets too old they knock it down and rebuild.
If you are like me you will remember when Dr. Who used to be over 6 weeks, with 20 minute episodes gripping you each week with a cliff hanger. You think we live in an age now where people would persevere with that?
We see it a lot in magazines with relationships, that when we get bored with someone, we trade them in, get someone a bit younger, a bit more lively, someone with a bit more money.
Do we move on too quickly in life? or do we try and make things work. Do we get bored when we can't do something or do we persevere.
If we want quick fixes in our lives then Christianity isn't the answer, but if you want the best life possible, want to journey with others that can easily get things wrong, but come out the other side having learnt lessons, then Jesus wants you to get on board.
Let's not throw things away, think of the waste, whether a book, a toy or even a relationship, things we value deserve to be worked at.
Invest in some toner.
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