Acts 16: 6-10
'6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. 9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. ' New International Version.
Ten years can seem a long time. Ten years ago George Bush succeeded Bill Clinton as President of the US. The UK foot and mouth crisis began. The atrocities of September 11th happened. Does it seem a long time ago or only yesterday?
I remember all those things, I don't as easily remember life without Kids and what that felt like. I do remember though coming back to Nottingham, with Laura, to re-launch Nottingham YfC back in 2001. The one thing i remember vividly was waking up on 1st September, at my in-laws because we didn't have a house, and thinking 'right, what shall i do? where shall i start?'
These past ten years seem to have gone quite quickly, and what i know is that NYfC wouldn't have been able to impact as many young people as we have without people praying for us and God leading the way. For the most part we seem to have been able to make a difference and it has felt like we are where God has wanted us to be. there have been times where we have probably got it a bit wrong, but part of knowing where God wants you to be is to try different things, if you don't knock the door will never be answered.
There have been times where we seem to have stayed in the same place for a long time, done the same things for longer than was thought, and that can sometimes feel frustrating and restricting.
If you look at Youth for Christ centres across the country, as i write there are 66/67 local YfC centres, they are predominantly based in towns and villages, and i understand why. You can get your head round an area with a certain number of schools and a certain number of Churches, whereas a city is a different kettle of fish. There are more opportunities, more possibilities, more young people to connect with and more risks to be taken. i remember one trustees meeting a number of years ago where we discussed whether we should become Nottingham West YfC as that was where we were putting our mission focus, and had been for the majority of the years we had been working. The vision had not slipped though, it was still to 'take good news relevantly to every young person in Nottingham.'
Ten years on having honoured that vision, we seem to have more opportunities than ever before, renewed favour amongst Churches, Schools and young people alike, but this brings with it fresh challenges.
Paul, in this passage, wanted to enter Bithynia, which would have taken him back into Asia minor, and back towards the middle east. Instead, because of his listening to the Spirit, they went to Macedonia, and so began Christianity's impact on Europe. What an impact that decision had. God was already working in Macedonia, but by listening to His Spirit Paul was able to bring his own dynamic to the mix which helped bring the Roman empire into a Christian thinking.
At the start of 2011, we have some great opportunities to move into new areas across Nottingham, and also in the areas we already work. We want to connect with more young people this year than ever before, we want to try doors, without being to precious about what happens if we have got it wrong, but most of all we want to listen to God through His Spirit and ask where is He wanting us to partner with Him to help impact this generation. Please stand with us in seeing God do amazing things through NYfC in 2011
'6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. 9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. ' New International Version.
Ten years can seem a long time. Ten years ago George Bush succeeded Bill Clinton as President of the US. The UK foot and mouth crisis began. The atrocities of September 11th happened. Does it seem a long time ago or only yesterday?
I remember all those things, I don't as easily remember life without Kids and what that felt like. I do remember though coming back to Nottingham, with Laura, to re-launch Nottingham YfC back in 2001. The one thing i remember vividly was waking up on 1st September, at my in-laws because we didn't have a house, and thinking 'right, what shall i do? where shall i start?'
These past ten years seem to have gone quite quickly, and what i know is that NYfC wouldn't have been able to impact as many young people as we have without people praying for us and God leading the way. For the most part we seem to have been able to make a difference and it has felt like we are where God has wanted us to be. there have been times where we have probably got it a bit wrong, but part of knowing where God wants you to be is to try different things, if you don't knock the door will never be answered.
There have been times where we seem to have stayed in the same place for a long time, done the same things for longer than was thought, and that can sometimes feel frustrating and restricting.
If you look at Youth for Christ centres across the country, as i write there are 66/67 local YfC centres, they are predominantly based in towns and villages, and i understand why. You can get your head round an area with a certain number of schools and a certain number of Churches, whereas a city is a different kettle of fish. There are more opportunities, more possibilities, more young people to connect with and more risks to be taken. i remember one trustees meeting a number of years ago where we discussed whether we should become Nottingham West YfC as that was where we were putting our mission focus, and had been for the majority of the years we had been working. The vision had not slipped though, it was still to 'take good news relevantly to every young person in Nottingham.'
Ten years on having honoured that vision, we seem to have more opportunities than ever before, renewed favour amongst Churches, Schools and young people alike, but this brings with it fresh challenges.
Paul, in this passage, wanted to enter Bithynia, which would have taken him back into Asia minor, and back towards the middle east. Instead, because of his listening to the Spirit, they went to Macedonia, and so began Christianity's impact on Europe. What an impact that decision had. God was already working in Macedonia, but by listening to His Spirit Paul was able to bring his own dynamic to the mix which helped bring the Roman empire into a Christian thinking.
At the start of 2011, we have some great opportunities to move into new areas across Nottingham, and also in the areas we already work. We want to connect with more young people this year than ever before, we want to try doors, without being to precious about what happens if we have got it wrong, but most of all we want to listen to God through His Spirit and ask where is He wanting us to partner with Him to help impact this generation. Please stand with us in seeing God do amazing things through NYfC in 2011
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