have been looking at the story of Mary and Martha recently and thinking about
some of the choices that were made in that story. (Luke 10 v 38-40). The first
choice that was made was Martha chose to welcome Jesus in. Martha wanted to
spend some time with Jesus. This led me to think about the first time I
welcomed Jesus into my life, the choice I made was to let God into my heart.
How amazing that we can choose to welcome the creator of the universe into our
lives and what is even more amazing, He welcome us into his arms no matter what
we say or do.
second choice in this story is that Martha allows herself to get distracted.
This made think about some of the distractions I have in my life, like my
phone, facebook, friends, work etc. These thing distract me from spending time
with God. Sometimes I don’t always realise that these thing are a distraction
but I need to make the choice to put time aside to spend with God. I think in this story Martha was not necessarily
doing anything wrong she just didn’t see what was important at that time and
let preparing the meal distract her . When was the last time you spent time
with God?
final choice that I can see is that Mary chose to spend time with God “ There
is only one thing to be concerned about and Mary Discovered it, and it will not
be taken away from her” Mary discovered that spending time with God is
important. So what I have taken away from this is perhaps I need to be making
the choice to spend more time with God and not get distracted! What will your
choice be?
emily is key worker in Inham Nook
and church resource development worker
and church resource development worker
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