Do you find you have to try and control everything? I think there are certain things i cannot cope with if i am not in charge. For example it was Joel's 4th birthday last week, and for his party he had decided to have it at a soft play area. In itself that seems fine, but this was the first party either of my children had had that wasn't a good old fashioned kids party. No musical chairs, no pass the parcel, no mad games, just soft play. So, my most successful part as a dad so far, had suddenly stopped. I had nothing to run.
As you are aware there has been this most surprising effect of a volcano over our flight paths over the past week or so. This is something that no one had seen coming, and has created the most havoc that we have seen in the air the UK has ever seen. Now for a lot of people it has effected their lives, some have just had extended holidays, others it has cost them a lot of money. What i do find interesting is that, having a conversation with someone the other day, is that there is the feeling that this should have been sorted before, and that someone didn't do their job properly.
You know what, i get the feeling that we think, sometimes, everything has to be controlled, and when it can't we just can't cope. It also seems to me that when we get to that situation whether that is through extreme weather or through a natural occurrence, that we still need someone to blame, someone has to be at fault.
Let's face it we are like that as a Christian as well, we need to be in control, and it is so hard to let God be in control. The problem we have is that He knows us better than we know ourselves, and that it is always best to let him lead, even if it is hard. If we try and run things in our own strength, we know there is a chance it will fail, but letting Him lead? only leads to success. So are our lives going to be man made or God made?
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