I was really fortunate on my birthday to receive a blu-ray player. being one that likes techy eqpt. it was going to happen one day, and so persuaded Laura to go in with other family members for the next set of birthdays and Christmas's' lol for this blu ray. And having got a player i then needed to purchase some blu ray discs. And with me taking my kids with me shopping, i ended up with 2 films, cloudy with meatballs and 2012.
What struck me about 2012 was that pretty much it was about death. Yes there was the hope that the hero(es) might make it, and i suppose you would say ' well, what do you expect, it is a disaster movie', but i just couldn't keep up with how many people kept dying. It was like the original A-Team in the 80's. They used to end up reeking so much havoc out of a matchbox and a piece of string, and there were people who just ended up diving out the way when blown up. aah to be a stunt man lol.
It just got me thinking that we end up taking life so much for granted. so we have this amazing opportunity to live, yet we don't really do that much with it before it becomes too late. we end up going through the motions and not really thinking about much, when there is such a life to live. we can end up making such a difference to people around us and the place we live. Changing lives and having such an impact. Yet we just tick over half the time, probably because it seems that it is too much like hard or that actually we are not that important and probably one of the biggest reasons is that we actually don't think we can do much. Those are the lies that we end up believing often because it is easier and we are less likely to be let down or hurt.
And the irony of it all is that the only reason we can live to have such a huge impact is because one person died. How mental is that, the fact that life can only be had if we accept the death of one guy. Jesus. So when we put that death into perspective, it wasn't just one of the many we say day by day, but one that has made, does make and will continue to have a huge impact on everything He touches.
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