Each month Nottingham YfC are having a guest blogger. This month Paula-Marie Leech, chair of trusttees for NYfC gives her thoughts...
Decisions, decisions, decisions!
I am currently trying to decide which is the best printer to buy for the NYFC office this should be a fairly simple task after the trustees at their last meeting deciding upon a colour laser printer. But no, now I have to decide which company should make it, should it be HP, Cannon, Xerox, Dell, Oki and so the list goes on... and even when I decide on who should make it I then have to decide which model it should be, the list is equally as endless..., as well as choosing how much I will spend and deciding if what it does is what we need etc. Our lives seem to be an endless number of metres of hurdles, making one decision and being immediately confronted by the next. Not to mention the worry of will it be the right decision, will I make it over the hurdle?, will I end up flat on my face? This reminded me of my eldest daughter on holiday in Switzerland trying to buy a traditionally dressed wind up Swiss musical doll as a souvenir. There were three to choose from a red dress, a blue dress or a green dress some would say this was not a difficult decision. However, she couldn't decide and trying to be helpful the shopkeeper much to my horror started bringing out more dolls with different coloured dresses and then different musical tunes!!! As I suspected this only made the decision making worse, as the more there was to choose from the more unsure she got! Needless to say we had been in the shop for what seemed like an eternity, when I asked her why she couldn't choose, she replied 'I don't want to make the wrong decision.' You will be pleased to know that she did eventually make a decision, the blue dress out of the original three choices!
What still amazes me is the sheer number of decisions that we make from getting up in the morning to going to sleep at night. But what amazes me more is that this is the way God made us to be, he gives us free choice, he allows us to make bad decisions just as so many people we read about in the Bible did, he continues to love us whatever we decide, he even allows us the decision not to return his love and be in a relationship with him. So we need to remember that God gives us permission to choose for ourselves, no doubt we won't always make the right decisions, but we can be assured that God loves us and remains with us whatever decision we make.
Paula-Marie has been chair of NYfC since last November. She is married to Pete, who is training at St. John's college to be an Anglican minister. They have 4 children.
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