One of the most exciting things that Nottingham YfC have been
involved in over the past few years has been the training of young people to share their faith. Starting in 2003 it has been great to see over 40 young people trained and equipped in sharing their faith to their peers, through a year long course.
Although that generation of eq has come to an end, NYfC and myself in particular are still passionate about training and equipping young people in mission and evangelism. So the regeneration of eq has arrived. In 2 streams eq will aim to put mission and evangelism back on the agenda of young people across the city, and give them opportunity to hear from experienced and gifted evangelists and mission practicioners as well as giving opportunities to do mission.
eq:uip is our training hub. It happens 3 times a year and will give young people the opportunity to hear from the best in the business. It will be challenging and thought provoking and most of all it will give practical tips on how to share your faith with the people around you. Our first event is June 11th and we have Roy Crown (who heads up HOPE) as our speaker.
eq:mission is our experiential zone. Twice a year we will take a group of young people somewhere across the country to make a difference in a community, as well as give them opportunities to share their faith with others. Our first mission trip is July 17-18 .
Future dates will be produced with enough time for youth leaders to put these in their programme. The eq:uip events are turn up on the door for a fiver per person (youth leaders come free with 5 or more young people), and the eq:mission is thirty quid inclusive. Our heart and passion is for the young people of the church to be mission focused as part of their faith. For more details on the up coming eq events the check out
Let's see young people learn through hearing and doing in a world where it is all about having the experience that develops young people most, what a great opportunity to change your world.
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