This past term has been a real learning curve for me. With there being so many changes in team and trustees there has been many times where i have felt out of control and perhaps out of my depth, but as we have realised this term that is when God takes over and lets rip. So here are a few times where we have seen God work in this past term. I make no apologies for the list style we have put them in, or to be honest the lack of capital letters here and there, what i want us to see is how amazing God has been in the last term. I hope you are as encouraged at this glimpse as i am.
new opportunities to speak with one of the deputy head teachers
the opportunities with all the year 7 young people at Hadden Park school
being able to speak into young peoples lives at a place to be me +
having someone from the Church in Bilborough on as a trustee and a volunteer
the trust most staff have in anything to do with YfC
seeing God in my uni work
welcomed into a church family
within meeting someone twice they opened up about someone mis-treating them
The new work that has come about in Arnold starting January
The 'feel good' factor of NYfC amongst Churches
seeing God work through a new team, and the quality of the new team
The growth of 'big questions' at Chilwell school
Finance coming in for work up until easter at A Place to be Me
16 year old unchurched young people discussing baptism, faith and spirituality
the desire of the team to bring their faith into youthwork
the success of cafe faith
eq:mission to Bath with the girls from Trent Vineyard, God used and worked in us all
3 new trustees and 4 new financial supporters
seeing a young persons face when we told him we believe he could achieve something
eq:uip low on numbers but the young people there were awesome and encouraged us all
girls allowed- when talking about beauty God was there showing every girl that they are beautiful
When the question 'Do you believe in God?' he is there to help me answer it
When one girl in one of our sessions talks openly about what she believes and her journey with God.
A conversation we had with a 14 year old about why he goes to church and what he believes
At a place to be me we ran a singing and dancing competition, God was there encouraging them
When talking to a teacher about his experiance of youth work, God was there
Young people who don't feel valued elsewhere are shown love to by NYfC
teaching an 11 year old to play pool
young people who reject God with their mouths but keep coming along to sessions and talking about Him and building relationships with Christian youth workers
A team put together by God, someone changed placement, someone who changed uni, someone who got placed, someone who was at the right church at the right time and someone who thought they could never work for YfC.
At The Base, remembering a young person and her work ment so much to her as she was told thet we wouldn't think about her and what she did.
A group of young people actively chatting about Jesus in a very raw but real way.
Please do comment and put where you have seen God in the last few months.